The Goldbergs – Season 2 Episode 4 – Shall We Play A Game? Review

Screen Shot 2014-10-25 at 15.03.52Bev, oh freakin’ Bev. This woman is my reason to live! She’s so un-cool, she’s cool. Erica doesn’t seem to think the same, so she starts spending time with Louise, ‘the cool mum’. She is the mother of one of Erica’s best friends, and the girls have been spending all their free time with her.  Trips to the mall, manicures, the whole nine yards. Continue reading

Baby Daddy – Season 4 Episode 1 – Strip or Treat Review

Screen Shot 2014-10-25 at 14.34.58One of our favourite shows here at TheTVNinja has returned! Baby Daddy is back for a fourth season, and surely the amount of Bonnie jokes will keep us entertained for the rest of the season. This show knows how to make each character special, funny and with quirky storylines that keep us gripped. It’s like a choir rather than a solo, and that’s why it works!

This episode was all about pranking. Riley is sick and tired of always being pranked on Halloween. It turns out the Wheelers are actually masters of the unexpected, and therefore have successfully pranked Riley over and over. Continue reading

Brooklyn Nine Nine – Season 2 Episode 4 – Halloween II Review

Screen Shot 2014-10-25 at 12.46.57It’s obvious that Halloween is a very hectic day for everyone at the precinct. It came as no surprise that their Halloween episode involved a lot of Peralta messing around and screwing things up. Why have ten milliion characters when they’re only going to use the same people and the same plot lines over and over?

Anyway, this time Peralta is determined to steal the Captain’s watch. Since he won last year after stealing the Captain’s medal, he wants to add yet another success to his long list of ‘jokes’. He eventually finds a guy that calls himself ‘Fingers’. Fingers is a master pick pocket, who, of course ends up taking the watch, and stealing it ‘for realsies’ in the process. This part of the episode was as predictable as anything. I mean, what made Peralta think that he could get away with this two years in a row?

Turns out the Captain had spent the whole year planning his revenge. He planned every detail – the pick pocket, Peralta noticing the watch, etc..

Meanwhile, Gina is upset because she got kicked out of her dance group. That girl loves to DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! so it was hard to watch a depressed Gina rather than her usual chipper, funny self. Terry discovers that she’s been taking classes to finish her degree, and missing rehearsals in the process. In the end, of course her and Terry end up dancing at the show, and it was everything we ever hoped for. Strictly/Dancing with the Stars 2015?

That’s why it’s a bit upsetting that they don’t give more attention to the back stories of other characters. Clearly the ‘precinct’ plot and the cases are all a joke, so it would be nice to see more of what people actually do, rather than seeing Peralta’s pick-a-mix of pissing off his fellow characters every episode.

Modern Family – Season 6 Episode 4 – Marco Polo Review

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This was a week from hell for all the family. Phil and Claire take the children to a hotel for a few days after they discover mold in their house. That room was more a war trench than a bedroom, but they survived.

Claire had a Plan B, which was to secretly rent another room. She did, and it only took Phil a couple of days to realise what she’d been up to. She had all the comforts and space, while the rest of her family was suffering in a crowded room.  Eventually the kids discover the truth, and decide to go to Claire’s room and leave Phil alone. He ended up mingling with other guests, particularly a Nigerian family who ended up staying at their home once the mold was treated. The kids felt guilty and realised that Phil does all those crazy things because he’s a big kid he truly loves spending time with his children. Aww.. them feels!

Cam is still the football coach at Manny’s school and is preparing for a big match. Mitchell has never been into sports, but as a sign of support, he decides to attend the match. It turns out that he could be Cam’s bad luck charm and some things are better left alone. At least he tried.

The saddest part of this episode was Manny’s first heartbreak. He had started seeing a girl, a senior, and this had Jay and Gloria on edge. It turned out the girl was caught kissing her ex boyfriend, etc, etc..

Jay saw the whole thing, but decided to leave it up to Manny to make the right choice. He did give him a really nice speech, though. The poor kid was truly heartbroken, but these things happen, and he will be back to drinking his espressos in no time. Jay’s always been a dad to him, but it’s these moments where you see that Jay is an expert in the soft approach. Good on you Jay!

A very emotional episode. It is good to see the children growing and changing, experiencing new things. The best part is watching the adults experience the same things along the way.


The Big Bang Theory – Season 8 Episode 5 – The Focus Attenuation Review

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It appears that now that all the guys have girlfriends, they don’t brainstorm anymore. They come to the conclusion that they need to get rid of the girls for a weekend in order to be able to concentrate on all their scientific ideas and theories.

It took no effort (and all of around twenty seconds) for the girls to organise a weekend trip to Vegas. The guys seem pleased, so they start to brainstorm, only to get distracted straight away. If it wasn’t the TV, it was a stupid comment, or just a fly on the wall. The point being that the girls weren’t the real reason they are distracted. Things just change I guess.

They ended up going to Leonard’s lab in an attempt to focus, but the idea was totally useless. Even with tape stuck to their hairy arms, as a weapon to avoid distractions and get back to work, they ended up with hairless arms and no project to work on.

The girls on the other hand, are having a blast! Well, except for Penny, who for once has to stay in the hotel room to study. This didn’t stop Bernie and Amy going wild in Vegas. Girls gone wild! They got hammered.. bless them..

It was a nice twist, after all, everyone deserves a break from their working life. Everyone apart from Penny. She has a lot to catch up on! What was weird was Emily’s absence. Now she is dating Raj, it would be nice to see her interact a bit more with the rest of the group, and the Vegas trip seemed like the perfect chance..

Brooklyn Nine Nine – Season 2 Episode 3 – The Jimmy Jab Games Review

Screen Shot 2014-10-21 at 13.50.39When Captain Holt and the Sarge leave the precinct for the day on official business it’s time for The Jimmy Jab Games. Gina kicks it all off and oversees the Games (because she can’t be bothered to take part, basically). Obviously, Peralta’s got his heart set on winning, and is, as always, a bit too enthusiastic, and he manages to turn it into the Jake show. He wants Rosa to give him Katie’s number (Rosa’s friend) and she agrees (after some classic Peralta-esque persuasion) to give it to him if he wins. Go figure!

After the honorary bagel ceremony, the Games are off. First up was month-old Chinese food from the fridge. Whoever eats the most wins. This will probably win the title for grossest moment of the season, so thanks for that! They had the bulky-bulky run-run, where they all ran a course wearing bomb suits, and there was the obstacle course, too.

The guys all then played dress-up and had to keep their cover at all costs. It was the highlight of a pretty dull episode. Sometimes I wonder why the show has so many main characters. It’s a weird feeling, because towards the end of the first season I grew closer to the characters, and wouldn’t take any of them out of it now, but the show suffers because of it sometimes. It’s hard to keep track of what everyone is doing when they only turn up for four minutes of the episode.

We had to see Peralta fail at the end, letting Amy win, and proving that Katie’s number is just a smokescreen for him and Amy. So I guess there going to drag that one out for the long haul. Guess we’ll have to wait for season seven for Peralta to make his move.

The Goldbergs – Season 2 Episode 3 – The Facts of Bleeping Life Review

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The time machine that is The Goldbergs is such a freakin’ joy. Every week they manage to give us the feels with their storytelling about the 80s. The resemblance that the show has to almost everybody’s life is what makes it worth watching. We live in times of nostalgia, and looking back at the 80s seems to be more pleasant than ever.

This week Barry and Adam start a band in their garage. They suck, but they still want the fame and fortune. Needless to say, Bev is their biggest fan, which left grandpa to break her the news that the kids are actually terrible musicians.

Barry is still in love with Erica’s friend Laney. In a moment of nerves, Barry ended up inviting Erica and her friend to join the band. Adam is clearly pissed off, and it all ends up with a great battle of the bands. In the Goldbergs’ garage…

Bev in the meantime is too busy planning a second wedding. She wants to renew her vows, and it’s all thanks to the royal wedding. You know, the one with Diana, not the 2.0 copy from today.

She plans this huge event, and in the end is super disappointed by Murray’s lack of enthusiasm. His one job was to write his vows, and he of course used the words from the theme tune to ‘Family Ties’, yes, the TV show..

It was sad to see Bev upset. She is so crazy, she makes everything better, so seeing her truly pissed off and depressed made the whole family work together. In the end she was woken up in the middle of the night to a beautiful second wedding in her garden.

It’s the simple things that matter 🙂

Modern Family – Season 6 Episode 3 – The Cold Review

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Oh, the good old family cold.. You know, the one that passes like Chinese whispers, person to person. In the end, everyone is weak, ill, and the cold is just laughing as she’s packing to leave like Mary Poppins.

That cold attacked every member of the Pritchett/Dunphee clan. It was hilarious to see them, one by one, telling the camera their horrible story. Everyone got sick apart from one person, Claire. Now she is SUPER SICK, but being Claire she decides to keep working. The perks of trying to impress dad I suppose..

Meanwhile, her husband Phil has a horrible secret to keep. Him and Luke are trying to re-edit the wedding video from Cam and Mitchell’s reception. The reason? He is patient zero!! It was a cruel reality to accept, more so when you have to watch yourself on camera sneezing into a glass of champagne. Since everybody was gathering that evening to watch the video, he just couldn’t leave it alone.

Manny is trying to play football, and with Cam being the coach, Gloria is expecting results. The poor kid never wants to disappoint his mother, and Cam didn’t have the heart to tell him or Gloria that he actually didn’t have the skills (aka he sucked big time). However, Manny knew it and he was happy to not play football anymore. He was just under a lot of pressure trying to be ‘mum’s perfect boy’. Aw.

Lily is also Mitchell’s perfect girl. That is until her new friend comes over and he realises that girl is a bloody genius. Oh well, she doesn’t have Lily’s charisma, so whatever.

Mitchell did call the little girl a know it all, and you know what? I’m glad because she was annoying! If at 7 years old you have the maturity to understand you’re being annoying, then deal with it kiddo!

Haley is still avoiding Andy. When she finally gathers the courage to talk to him, they kissed… Damn, that boy can keep his cool like a cucumber! Basically Haley has found her other half, and doesn’t really know how to handle someone who is not just falling for her, like every other guy has ever done.

After multiple editing attempts, Phil just gives up. At the gathering, he plays the original video and guess what? No one noticed he was patient zero because everyone was busy looking at themselves! Vindicated! He agrees to mock up a new version of the wedding video and take out all the embarrassing parts. He spent the entire episode stressing when everyone else had their own things they weren’t happy about. At least he got away with it…*high five*

The Big Bang Theory – Season 8 Episode 4 – The Hook-Up Reverberation Review

Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 15.16.30Hmmm.. it’s always been a given that Penny is the ‘hot one’ of the show. However, when Raj introduces his new girlfriend to the group, both Penny and Emily (Raj’s gf) are not impressed.

Somehow, these geniuses always miss the obvious. Bernie suggests for Penny and Emily to have a mock sales pitch. Penny is now a pharmaceutical rep, and Emily is a doctor, and Bernie wants to throw new-hair-Penny into the lion’s den. To Penny this seemed like a good way to bond with her, and she decides to go and pay her a visit at work. Unfortunately, Emily hates her! All because of Raj’s story of his ‘hook-up’ with Penny.

It was all a big misunderstanding, and in the end, they all agree. One thing is agreeing, but another is liking each other and those two are only starting to show their claws, lolz. Team Emily? Team Penny? Maybe we should do a poll.

Meanwhile, the boys are too busy trying to help Stuart and potentially buy the comic book store and re-open it. In a pretty big twist it’s Sheldon who reminds the guys that they should probably discuss the investment with their partners. Penny doesn’t really mind, Bernie is like Heeeelll No! and Amy was just busy being Amy. By the end of it, the truth hit pretty hard… Everyone is asking themselves the same question, WHAT IS UP WITH HOWARD’S MOTHER?! By the time the guys decide on telling Stuart about their comic book store plan, it’s already too late. Howard’s mum gave him the money to re-open it.  It’s good news for Stuart, but Howard is in pieces..

This was just too freakin cruel for a comedy show. They better fix it soon, cos if that was my mamma I’d be on the ‘ohhh Hell Nooo’ train as quick as the next person!

Brooklyn Nine Nine – Season 2 Episode 2 – Chocolate Milk Review

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What is the difference between work friends and real friends? That was the question this week inside the precinct. Ready to find out who’s really you friend?

With Terry ready to have a vasectomy, Peralta was a bit shocked, if not happy to help. Terry might be built like a freakin’ brick sh*t house but that didn’t stop him from being high as a kite. The doctor was unable to perform the procedure (because they didn’t have enough anesthesia to put Terry down), and Peralta ended up taking him home. Once there, Terry confessed that he doesn’t want the procedure but he’s doing it to please his wife. He also called Peralta ‘tiny head’, which was both true and hilarious. High Terry is my kind of Terry.

Jake takes it upon himself to stop the next procedure from happening, but Terry disapproves of him getting so involved. After all, they’re only work friends right? Poor Peralta, his tiny head just tilted to one side. He was truly disappointed. He was going to prove his point as he always does, and so he did..

In other news, for the first time we saw fear in the Captain’s eyes. Capt. Holt receives a visit from an old colleague for an inspection of the precinct. Capt. Holt doesn’t like this woman due to their ‘blurry past’ (she wanted to hook up but he’s gay). Amy wants to get the best mark, because she’s a psycho cop/teacher’s pet. So for once, she stood up for what she wanted and gave the Captain a speech that left him speechless. Not like that’s hard to achieve with the Cap, but you see what I’m getting at.

Charles had to go to a Jamaican party, so he asked all the girls for help. Gina rejected him, obviously, and in the end it was Rosa who came through. Good to see that they’re real friends after all 🙂 As for Charles and Gina, we’ll have to wait and see!