Supernatural – Season 9 Episode 16 – Blade Runners Review

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Blade, running… running, blade..

This episode Sam and Dean had no choice (once again) but to work with Crowley. The king of hell is a bit off his game ever since the boys gave him human blood, so now he wants to get back on track and kill Abaddon once and for all.

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Parks And Recreation – Season 6 Episode 16 – New Slogan Review

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The town of Pawnee has a new website! Leslie is using it to encourage all citizens to vote for a new slogan for the town. Although there are already a few options to choose from, Leslie ends up in the ditch when the slogan campaign fails after sabotage from Douche Nation. Continue reading

Trophy Wife – Season 1 Episode 16 – The Wedding – Part 1 Review

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The name of the episode kinda gave away the theme for this week and next. Kate and Pete are going to tie the knot, but there’s a few other things to discuss before we get there. I could go on for days about the wedding videos that Kate found, especially when Pete married Jackie. That hair! Just a great 80s barnet! This was also an episode about how the kids in this dysfunctional family deal with their parents dating. They all seem to have been chill with Kate, but when it comes to there moms dating, it’s a different story. Continue reading

The Originals – Season 1 Episode 16 – Farewell to Storyville Review

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Picking up after last week’s huge cliffhanger was always going to be fun. They’re still faced off in the graveyard when they’re trapped there by Celeste. Elijah does his best to calm Klaus down. Not an easy job, that one. Still I was pretty happy to see what was going to happen.

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3 of the 4 harvest girls are back, and Davina’s one of them. She’s chatting to Cammie, talking about how angry the ancestors were at her for using her powers against her kind. Well, duh, Davina, they’re not going to give you a medal, are they? Camille’s trying to help her come to terms with things, but Davina’s a bit messed up at this point. Continue reading

The Middle – Season 5 Episode 16 – Stormy Moon

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Stormy moon was definitely an episode about losing control and losing things. Once again, the Hecks are doomed for the worst when Frankie gets arrested. Apparently, nowadays you can get arrested for an overdue book. She had received plenty of letters warning her, however, that house is like a war zone so it’s impossible to keep track of things. Continue reading

Twisted – Season 1 Episode 16 – The Son Also Falls Review

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Now that Karen and Danny are finally free of Vikram, it’s seems simple to start over. Even more so when you have ten million dollars to spend. Unfortunately not everyone is so happy with Danny’s new lifestyle and those who were there for him slowly start to walk away. Continue reading

Modern Family – Season 5 Episode 16 – Spring-A-Ding-Fling Review

ImageThere’s a few different things going on within the Pritchett/Dunphy faction this week. Mitch has a new job, Cam is putting on the dance at his high school, Phil enlists Hayley to go with him as he hosts an award show (the SCARB) and Jay and Gloria have to do some parenting/grand-parenting on Lily. Continue reading

The Goldbergs – Season 1 Episode 16 – Goldbergs Never Say Die Review

ImageThis week was all things Goonies!! The guys at The Goldbergs gave us a throwback to The Goonies through Adam, who obviously loves the shiz out of it. He even pulled out the truffle shuffle! When we weren’t losing it over how amazing The Goonies was, we were seeing the Goldbergs doing what they do best, having a good old family feud! Beverley and Pops fight over Bev’s mum’s jewellery, and Barry and Erica have got some scheming of their own to do.

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Elementary – Season 2 Episode 16 – The One Percent Solution Review

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Turns out, the rich and powerful are very paranoid people. After a homemade bomb goes off at a high class restaurant, the team rushes to find out what caused it and mainly who. The restaurant used to be frequented by rich bankers and bank vice presidents and CEO’s. The table where the bomb went off was indeed filled with these marvelous creatures, so it wasn’t hard to find a starting point for the case to unravel. Continue reading

The Neighbors – Season 2 Episode 16 – Oscar Party Review

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After joining business school, Debbie decides she wants to be cool like the rest of her classmates. Her solution? Opening her own Facebook account. Marty joins in the fun, until they realise their old friends don’t invite them to their parties anymore. A whole bunch of birthdays, anniversaries, etc and the Weaver’s were not there. Their solution? To throw an Oscar party for all their friends.

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