Ninja News – Supergirl Preview

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The news that the pilot of CBS’s Supergirl has already leaked broke the other day (even though the show doesn’t officially start until November – go figure) and some of the Ninjas are saying only good things. Sure, things will change between now and November, but for now we’re saying that the pilot looks pretty strong.
Keep an eye out for this one guys. We might be drowning in superheroes right now, but there’s still room for good shows. Let’s just see how CBS handles The Woman Of Steel.

The Big Bang Theory – Season 8 Episode 6 – The Expedition Approximation Review

Screen Shot 2014-10-25 at 14.16.51Everyone is busy making changes! Change is always good, but for these lot it can mean complications. This time money played a big part.

Penny decided to sell her old car, the one that Leonard gave her. Now she has a steady job, and a work car to go with it, she doesn’t need to keep her old one. This obviously upsets Leonard at first, but after some hard thinking he comes up with a solution. She has all this cash, so why not use it to start a joint account? Penny agrees and they end up throwing bills in the bed and gettin’ naughty. That’s exactly what I would have done with it! Continue reading

The Big Bang Theory – Season 8 Episode 5 – The Focus Attenuation Review

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It appears that now that all the guys have girlfriends, they don’t brainstorm anymore. They come to the conclusion that they need to get rid of the girls for a weekend in order to be able to concentrate on all their scientific ideas and theories.

It took no effort (and all of around twenty seconds) for the girls to organise a weekend trip to Vegas. The guys seem pleased, so they start to brainstorm, only to get distracted straight away. If it wasn’t the TV, it was a stupid comment, or just a fly on the wall. The point being that the girls weren’t the real reason they are distracted. Things just change I guess.

They ended up going to Leonard’s lab in an attempt to focus, but the idea was totally useless. Even with tape stuck to their hairy arms, as a weapon to avoid distractions and get back to work, they ended up with hairless arms and no project to work on.

The girls on the other hand, are having a blast! Well, except for Penny, who for once has to stay in the hotel room to study. This didn’t stop Bernie and Amy going wild in Vegas. Girls gone wild! They got hammered.. bless them..

It was a nice twist, after all, everyone deserves a break from their working life. Everyone apart from Penny. She has a lot to catch up on! What was weird was Emily’s absence. Now she is dating Raj, it would be nice to see her interact a bit more with the rest of the group, and the Vegas trip seemed like the perfect chance..

Modern Family – Season 6 Episode 3 – The Cold Review

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Oh, the good old family cold.. You know, the one that passes like Chinese whispers, person to person. In the end, everyone is weak, ill, and the cold is just laughing as she’s packing to leave like Mary Poppins.

That cold attacked every member of the Pritchett/Dunphee clan. It was hilarious to see them, one by one, telling the camera their horrible story. Everyone got sick apart from one person, Claire. Now she is SUPER SICK, but being Claire she decides to keep working. The perks of trying to impress dad I suppose..

Meanwhile, her husband Phil has a horrible secret to keep. Him and Luke are trying to re-edit the wedding video from Cam and Mitchell’s reception. The reason? He is patient zero!! It was a cruel reality to accept, more so when you have to watch yourself on camera sneezing into a glass of champagne. Since everybody was gathering that evening to watch the video, he just couldn’t leave it alone.

Manny is trying to play football, and with Cam being the coach, Gloria is expecting results. The poor kid never wants to disappoint his mother, and Cam didn’t have the heart to tell him or Gloria that he actually didn’t have the skills (aka he sucked big time). However, Manny knew it and he was happy to not play football anymore. He was just under a lot of pressure trying to be ‘mum’s perfect boy’. Aw.

Lily is also Mitchell’s perfect girl. That is until her new friend comes over and he realises that girl is a bloody genius. Oh well, she doesn’t have Lily’s charisma, so whatever.

Mitchell did call the little girl a know it all, and you know what? I’m glad because she was annoying! If at 7 years old you have the maturity to understand you’re being annoying, then deal with it kiddo!

Haley is still avoiding Andy. When she finally gathers the courage to talk to him, they kissed… Damn, that boy can keep his cool like a cucumber! Basically Haley has found her other half, and doesn’t really know how to handle someone who is not just falling for her, like every other guy has ever done.

After multiple editing attempts, Phil just gives up. At the gathering, he plays the original video and guess what? No one noticed he was patient zero because everyone was busy looking at themselves! Vindicated! He agrees to mock up a new version of the wedding video and take out all the embarrassing parts. He spent the entire episode stressing when everyone else had their own things they weren’t happy about. At least he got away with it…*high five*

The Big Bang Theory – Season 8 Episode 4 – The Hook-Up Reverberation Review

Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 15.16.30Hmmm.. it’s always been a given that Penny is the ‘hot one’ of the show. However, when Raj introduces his new girlfriend to the group, both Penny and Emily (Raj’s gf) are not impressed.

Somehow, these geniuses always miss the obvious. Bernie suggests for Penny and Emily to have a mock sales pitch. Penny is now a pharmaceutical rep, and Emily is a doctor, and Bernie wants to throw new-hair-Penny into the lion’s den. To Penny this seemed like a good way to bond with her, and she decides to go and pay her a visit at work. Unfortunately, Emily hates her! All because of Raj’s story of his ‘hook-up’ with Penny.

It was all a big misunderstanding, and in the end, they all agree. One thing is agreeing, but another is liking each other and those two are only starting to show their claws, lolz. Team Emily? Team Penny? Maybe we should do a poll.

Meanwhile, the boys are too busy trying to help Stuart and potentially buy the comic book store and re-open it. In a pretty big twist it’s Sheldon who reminds the guys that they should probably discuss the investment with their partners. Penny doesn’t really mind, Bernie is like Heeeelll No! and Amy was just busy being Amy. By the end of it, the truth hit pretty hard… Everyone is asking themselves the same question, WHAT IS UP WITH HOWARD’S MOTHER?! By the time the guys decide on telling Stuart about their comic book store plan, it’s already too late. Howard’s mum gave him the money to re-open it.  It’s good news for Stuart, but Howard is in pieces..

This was just too freakin cruel for a comedy show. They better fix it soon, cos if that was my mamma I’d be on the ‘ohhh Hell Nooo’ train as quick as the next person!

The Big Bang Theory – Season 8 Episode 3 – The First Pitch Insufficiency Review

Screen Shot 2014-10-13 at 13.49.48The Big Bang Theory has been getting pretty intense with its approach to serious issues. In between the jokes, it’s easy to catch glimpses of how the writers are trying to go even deeper into the personality of every character.

This time, Howard is doomed! When he’s asked to throw the first pitch at a baseball game, he loses it. He is not only the least athletic person in the world, but he’s also clueless about sport in general. Luckily, the ever so versatile Bernie is ready to help him (with Raj in tow of course). That woman is a firecracker! It turns out, sometimes you need to look into what you’re good at and make the best of it. Howard’s idea? Using science (aka a prototype of the Mars rover) to throw the pitch. Clever, but boy was that machine slow.. OH.. SO.. SLOW…

The others are fighting over relationships. Amy and Sheldon are convinced that their relationship is great, because they took a compatibility test and nailed it. This makes Penny and Leonard take a hard look at themselves and truly question why they are together in the first place. Obviously it all became romantic and cheesy. Poor Amy made another remark of how much she wished Sheldon would say romantic words such as those. Think she’ll be waiting a while for that!

So yeah, relationships huh?


Where is this going and why is it all getting so emotional?!!!!


The Big Bang Theory – Season 8 Episode 2 – The Junior Professor Solution Review

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In this second episode of the season premiere, Sheldon is offered a new job within the university. He can study dark matter, but the only condition is that he teaches a class. He reluctantly accepts, but for better or worse, no one signs up. His reputation as a ‘difficult character’ has spread widely around campus and truth is he doesn’t really seem to care that much, either.

His friends however, do care a lot. Howard offers to sign up for Sheldon’s class. Sheldon takes this as an opportunity to ridicule his friend in every possible intellectual way. Although Sheldon is extremely smart, Howard is not ready to give up the fight so easily, so if Sheldon was not ready to take teaching seriously, neither was Howie when it came to studying. Bad teacher vs Bad student was about to start..

Unfortunately for Howard, he got reported to HR by none other than his dear friend/teacher Sheldon… Bold move huh?

On the girl’s side, Penny and Bernie are having some issues. Since Bernadette helped Penny find the new job, she’s feeling entitled to make sure she doesn’t screw it up. Penny is sick of all the patronising,  and she decides to bitch about it with Amy. Clever as she is, Amy uses her friends argument to strengthen her own friendship with both of them. Eventually the girls fix their problems and Amy is no longer the ‘popular one’. Cue a sad Dr Farrah-Fowler.

The best part of the episode was how the guys started to answer random science questions and received chocolate bars in exchange. Although, the Creme Egg takes the biscuit.. or the creme…

The Ninja’s Assistant

The Big Bang Theory – Season 8 Episode 1 – The Locomotion Interruption

Screen Shot 2014-09-30 at 14.21.31After a long trip by himself, Sheldon is finally ready to return to Pasadena! As it’s the norm, Leonard was summoned by his old friend to pick him up in a different state of course. This sudden phone call really got Amy angry and feeling left out, so she decided to go with Leonard and make the trip to pick up Sheldon.

Things are definitely a bit different amongst the group of friends. Penny has a new haircut, and a new job interview thanks to Bernadette. Howard is no longer looking after his mother, but Stewart is. This has him clearly upset, and thinks his old friend has taken over his role as a son. As they say, be careful what you wish for right?

Sheldon was a big box of surprises when he actually said he was ready to get down to business with Amy. Wooohoooooo! Get your tiara girl, ‘cos you’re about to be going for a ride on the Sheldon Train!

Elementary – Season 2 Episode 18 – The Hound Of The Cancer Cells Review

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This was more like the hound of boredom! What happened here? Everything had been flowing so nicely and then boom, you drop an episode about medical patents. Agh.

Someone had built a breathaliser that can detect cancer. That someone is now dead, so as usual, questioning began. Holmes and Watson spoke to the owner of the company, a man who was close to divorcing his wife, but had a girlfriend on the side. The guy tells them how the doctor who created the device was his friend and colleague,  what a sad loss, blablabla… Continue reading

Criminal Minds – Season 9 Episode 19 – The Edge of Winter Review

Picture 34This week on Criminal Minds there was an opportunity to go a bit deeper on a case. Usually it’s all about tracking a current serial killer/murderer, but this time it was about testifying for a trial.

Morgan shows up at a mental institution in search of a woman named Daria. She had been the victim of a terrible kidnapping, and witnessed the murder of multiple people. The man who held them all captive was abusive and had the help of a partner. Continue reading