Fringe – Sins of the Father Review


We recently read the latest novel to accompany the Fringe universe – Fringe – Sins of the father, and we loved it. Here’s the official logline:

In 2008, Peter Bishop is estranged from his father and running shady operations in Southeast Asia. His latest scam lands him in a life-or-death situation involving weird events beyond the ken of modern science. On the run, he finds himself pursued by strange specters of his past… and his future. The Fringe Division is summoned when the unimaginable occurs. Armed with experimental technology, special agent Olivia Dunham, “fringe” scientist Walter Bishop, and his son Peter Bishop investigate cases that lie beyond the realm of possibility.

This is a story that centres purely on Peter and Walter. Fans of the show will know the backstory here, and understand just how complicated this relationship is. We see some classic Walter/Peter tension. We also see a lot of what’s wrong with their relationship. It was interesting to watch this play out as we weren’t seeing something we’d watched before – there was enough new material to keep us readers hooked. The same applies when it came to Peter finding out that he’s from somewhere else – even though we all know where he’s from and the story behind it felt fresh here. No regurgitation at all.

A great read!

This great story is released on the 26th August from Titan Books.