The Walking Dead – Season 4 Episode 13 – Alone Review

ImageAlone was all about decisions and making the right ones. The group is all split up and most of the people who have grown the closest over the last four seasons are split up. They’ve got to make a choice, go off alone and try and find their BFFs/ significant others or stick with the groups they’ve got and hope for the best. There was also a little side story about Bob, and how he came to join the group.

ImageWe see Bob wandering around before he meets the guys. He’s boozing (standard Bob) and doing just enough to stay alive. Blacking out isn’t the best thing for a zombie apocalypse but I guess it helps you come to terms with things, right? Daryl and Glenn find him wandering on the road one day when they’re out making a run, and seeing as he’s alone, they take him with them. I like Bob, and even when he chose the bottle of Courvoisier over more medicine for the dying peeps earlier in the season I thought he was helpless, but he’s sorted himself out and is turning out to be a pretty good character.

ImageDaryl’s still teaching Beth some new skills. This week she’s learning how to track, and is actually quite good at it. They come across a grave and stop for a minute to pay respects to Herschel. Daryl picks some nearby flowers and puts them on top of the grave. This kind of thing shows how far he’s come. He cares about people now, and Beth is doing her best to restore his humanity. I keep having awkward feelings that there’s sexual tension brewing and I don’t know how I feel about that. I mean, how old is Beth! There’s a lot of speculation out there that they’ll get together, especially after what Emily Kinney said in a recent interview.

Beryl, just lol!

It looks like someone kidnapped Beth later on. Daryl came across her bag on the ground and when he looked up a car was tearing off into the distance, so who knows. Daryl gets picked up by a group of guys and it looks like, for now, he’s going to go off with them.

ImageMaggie, Bob and Sasha were a big focal point of this episode when they come across a sign for Terminus. Sasha wants to find Tyrese, Maggie wants to find Glenn and poor Bob just doesn’t want to be alone again. They have a few scuffles, (after the fog attack, which was plain awesome) and go off in their separate ways. Maggie goes off to towards Terminus, and Bob and Sasha don’t. After a short while Bob doesn’t want to let Maggie go off alone and drags Sasha along the tracks with him. Sasha then stops at a certain point, and Bob goes ahead. Sasha quickly spots Maggie close by and goes to stop the walkers from getting there. After a little hack-up they move off to find Bob (confused yet?). Groups don’t often find their way back to one another in The Walking Dead so I’m glad this one did. They go off towards Terminus, and that was that.

ImageThe closing shot was Glenn finding the Terminus sign. By my count, only Daryl and Beth are still to find the tracks, but after the way it ended with Daryl and with whatever happened to Beth, it might be a way off till they get there.


Keep it coming AMC!


The Ninja

One thought on “The Walking Dead – Season 4 Episode 13 – Alone Review

  1. Really hope there’s nothing more than a friendship between Beth and Daryl. Not because of Carol or shipping or anything like that, but I feel Daryl’s always worked best when solo. In the company of others he has his humanity, but as a character, he works better on his own. Though I did prefer the interaction between him and Beth much more than last week, maybe because of the little things like Daryl describing a white trash brunch or him getting in the coffin to sleep. As far as Glenn, I’m guessing Tara, Abraham, Eugene and Rosita fell behind while he found the Terminus sign.

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