Elementary – Season 2 Episode 18 – The Hound Of The Cancer Cells Review

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This was more like the hound of boredom! What happened here? Everything had been flowing so nicely and then boom, you drop an episode about medical patents. Agh.

Someone had built a breathaliser that can detect cancer. That someone is now dead, so as usual, questioning began. Holmes and Watson spoke to the owner of the company, a man who was close to divorcing his wife, but had a girlfriend on the side. The guy tells them how the doctor who created the device was his friend and colleague,  what a sad loss, blablabla… Continue reading

Criminal Minds – Season 9 Episode 19 – The Edge of Winter Review

Picture 34This week on Criminal Minds there was an opportunity to go a bit deeper on a case. Usually it’s all about tracking a current serial killer/murderer, but this time it was about testifying for a trial.

Morgan shows up at a mental institution in search of a woman named Daria. She had been the victim of a terrible kidnapping, and witnessed the murder of multiple people. The man who held them all captive was abusive and had the help of a partner. Continue reading

Perception – Season 2 Episode 14 – Obsession Review

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Blame it on the schyzo! Poor Daniel got accused of stalking his former therapist/girlfriend Caroline. Someone’s been sending her chocolates with knives, snakes in her car etc. So yeah, she goes ahead and blames him. Beesnitch.

That’s not all, during one of his lessons he has an ‘episode’, so one of the parents of the school board is determined to fire him. Continue reading

The 100 – Season 1 Episode 1 – Pilot

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It’s been a while since a show with such a clear concept came around, and on the CW no less! The 100 has a really strong premise, and the pilot didn’t disappoint (much).

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So, to give a quick breakdown of what’s happening here, 100 juvenile prisoners are sent down to earth to see if it’s now viable for life. No one has been back to earth since a nuclear war wiped human life out, and fourteen space stations came together to make the Ark, where the remaining human population lives. They’re quickly running out of oxygen and supplies, so instead of sending some probe to test earth’s radiation levels, they figure it’s all good to just air drop 100 kids down there and see what happens. You might think this is a bit rash, but in a ‘world’ where anyone who commits a crime (of ay kind) is sentenced to death. Continue reading

Parks and Recreation – Season 6 Episode 17 – Galentine’s Day Review

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Oh, Leslie. Everyone’s favourite nutcase is really going mental in Galentine’s Day. She’s missing Anne Perkins and wants to audition every female she knows for a role as her best friend.

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After trying to bond with Donna and April, Leslie sets up a Galentine’s day brunch, where she gets all the ladies she knows together to kick start the auditioning process. Meanwhile, Andy and Ron go off to work together, and Ben, Tom and Larry go to seal the deal on the tents. Continue reading

Hannibal – Season 2 Episode 2 – Sakizuki Review

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The one question of everybody’s lips in Sakizuki is how does the killer choose his victims? We see one of the victims manage to tear himself (literally) free of his bindings and make a run for it. He almost makes it away safely, until he comes to the edge of the cliff and jumps. At least we know how they’re ending up in the water. Will’s still struggling to wrap his head around whats going on from the (lack of) comfort of his cell. Thanks for the shortened intro sequence!


Hannibal’s therapist has had enough of him and cancels their appointments going forward. She can’t help him further and is clearly terrified of him now she suspects he might be a killer. She even called him ‘dangerous.’ They still think the killer’s dumping the discards, but he’s not chucking the ones he doesn’t want away. Katz pays will a visit, something she’s chastised for by Crawford, and Hannibal resumes Will’s therapy. Continue reading

Baby Daddy – Season 3 Episode 9 – Go Brit Or Go Home Review

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So, back to New York and Baby Daddy we go again. In Go Brit Or Go Home, Danny’s been on the receiving end of some stick from a local journalist about his game. Riley meanwhile wants Ben to hang out with Philip in a bid to get them friendly, but also to get Ben to accept it and move on. Continue reading

The Originals – Season 1 Episode 17 – Moon Over Bourbon Street Review

We’re still struggling to wrap out heads around the news that Claire Holt is gone from the show here at The TV Ninja. Moon Over Bourbon Street has seen the story jump one month into the future from Rebekah’s exit, and Elijah is firmly in control. He rips up the set of rules Marcel placed on the French Quarter and has a clear voting platform. Play nice or get out.

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Brooklyn Nine – Nine – Season 1 Episode 21 – Unsolvable Review

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Holt’s had a little injury this week, and Peralta won’t give up until he finds out what happened. Holt tells him it was from hula-hooping, shows Jake the pictures and deletes them, telling him that no one will believe him. Cue one angry Jake Peralta! Boyle and Viv are trying to decide whether to move to Canada or not, and Santiago, even though agreeing to help Holt has booked a romantic getaway with her boyfriend.

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Grimm – Season 3 Episode 15 – Once We Were Gods Review

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Bit of a historical episode on the Wesen front this week, with the guys taking on what can only be described as an Anubis like Wesen. Nick and Hank go to visit Wu at the hospital. He’s still struggling to deal with the ramifications of what happened in the last episode, but he’s on the road to recovery.

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